DevExpress 를 8.1.6 을 쓰다가 전체적으로 8.3.3 으로 업그레이드 했다…
리빌드 할땐 문제없다… but… 런타임에 에러가 생긴다… 머지??
처음엔 내가 Catch 안한 오류가 있나 해서 소스를 다시 한번 살펴봤다… 근데.. 소스는 바뀐게 없는데…
이상하다 그래서 자세히 살펴보니 Cross Thread… 얼레.. 분명히 왠만한건 InvokeRequired 체크해서 다 되어있는데…. 물론 이 부분도 소스를 수정하지 않았기 때문에 이전에 없던 문제인데… 말이 안된다…
그렇다고 지금 당장 gridcontrol 함수에 일일이 Invoke 형태로 변경하기도 그렇고….
그래서 DevExpress 사이트에서 해결 방법을 찾아보기로 했다
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How to avoid the ArgumentOutOfRangeException exception when updating the Grid’s data source within a background thread
Article ID: AK2981
Product Group: .NET
Product: XtraGrid Suite
Version(s): 3, 6.x
Updated: 14 12 2006
I have a data table connected to a GridControl that I’m modifying within different threads, and the Xtragrid component seems to be catching the updates automatically and trying to refresh based on the data changes. However, sometimes the application crashes with an ArgumentOutOfRangeException. How to avoid this problem?
This issue is not connected with the XtraGrid directly. Unfortunately, you can’t change the grid’s data source in a background thread since it will cause a lot of problems with synchronization. The XtraGrid may perform some operations with the underlying data source at the same time as your background thread changes it. In this case the grid may receive a Change notification later and will try to update rows from the data source which will cause the mentioned problem. This problem may occur in a lot of cases. For example, when a user edits data, groups it or the XtraGrid tries to recalculate the summaries. The only solution to this problem is to change the Grid’s DataSource reference within a background thread (NOTE: You will need to implement it using the Invoke method). Said differently, within a background thread you should work with a local copy of the DataSource and pass its clone to the Grid’s DataSource when necessary. In the attachment you will find a sample project which demonstrates this approach.
요약하자면… XtraGrid 와 바인딩해서 사용하는 경우.. background thread 로 처리를 해라???
거기다 샘플까지 있으니… 볼려다가… 그냥 다시 다른걸루 찾아보니..
Url :
DevExpress.Data.CurrencyDataController.DisableThreadingProblemsDetection = true
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obsolete 라서 좀 그렇긴 하지만.. 일단 이렇게 하니 관련 에러가 모두 사라졌다.
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아 참!! 이 함수를 DevExpress 에서는 Main 넣는 샘플로 설명이 되어있는데…
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